exile group 17.18   Exile group thinking about future leadership.
  exile community 8.10   Miami has a large Cuban exile community.
  exile leader 2.70   Main Cuban exile leader dies in Miami.
  exile organization 1.18   Cuban exile organizations in Miami reacted angrily.
  exile government 0.66   The Dalai Lama heads an exile government in Dharmsala.
  exile headquarters 0.39   Netanyahu reminded me of a time, years ago, when I interviewed Arafat in his exile headquarters in Tunis.
  exile lobby 0.39   Sweig noted that the Cuban exile lobby has almost always had its way in Washington.
  exile politics 0.39   But even as he was building his fortune, Mas remained active in exile politics in Miami.
  exile army 0.33   The exile army twice has won large-scale battles with Iranian troops.
  exile home 0.33   In addition, Ghana is the exile home of key Togolese opposition leader Gilchrist Olympio.
  exile pilot 0.33   Some Cubans agreed with their government the exile pilots were to blame.
  exile plane 0.33   Ten exile planes reached the memorial site and dropped floweres.
  exile church 0.26   Vanags said the exile church was on a different wavelength.
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