exclusive right 31.34   Exclusive rights.
  exclusive contract 8.82   Arum knew we had an exclusive contract with Coley.
  exclusive club 7.97   It was not an exclusive club.
  exclusive interview 7.90   An exclusive interview.
  exclusive zone 4.21   Turkmenistan argues the field is in its exclusive zone.
  exclusive deal 3.95   Exclusive deals are commonplace.
  exclusive agreement 3.75   The two companies will sign a new exclusive agreement.
  exclusive use 3.69   One phone was for her exclusive use.
  exclusive domain 2.90   Nor is Hamlet the exclusive domain of men alone.
  exclusive control 2.76   The rest, Area C, is under exclusive Israeli control.
  exclusive arrangement 2.57   However, Adam does not have an exclusive arrangement with Yahoo.
  exclusive license 2.50   Fiji TV was launched nearly a year ago with an eight-year exclusive license.
  exclusive neighborhood 2.37   An exclusive neighborhood.
  exclusive access 1.91   Exclusive print access.
  exclusive suburb 1.51   Bel Air is an exclusive suburb of Los Angeles.
  exclusive province 1.45   - is the exclusive province of the owner of the original work.
  exclusive possession 1.32   The mere use of land without exclusive possession is not sufficient.
  exclusive distributor 1.25   Philmotors is the exclusive Philippine distributor of Chrysler vehicles.
  exclusive group 1.25   Yet her son belongs to an exclusive group.
  exclusive restaurant 1.18   However, since most exclusive restaurants seem to use them, what is the correct form?
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