excess capacity 13.69   How much excess capacity exists?
  excess inventory 13.63   But in a business, excess inventory can be fatal.
  excess fat 8.23   Skim excess fat.
  excess water 7.37   Squeeze out excess water.
  excess supply 5.79   The excess supply is increasing by the month.
  excess moisture 4.08   Drain excess moisture from pan.
  excess weight 3.82   Excess weight has always been a problem.
  excess liquid 3.62   Remove excess liquid.
  excess cash 3.23   He had excess cash.
  excess production 2.76   Excess production is another problem.
  excess oil 2.57   Drain excess oil.
  excess liquidity 2.44   There will be excess liquidity in the economy.
  excess money 2.44   What would the government do with the excess money?
  excess revenue 2.37   Excess revenue remains.
  excess stock 2.37   Drain off the excess stock.
  excess power 2.04   Excess power is sold on the wholesale market.
  excess baggage 1.97   Excess baggage?
  excess fund 1.91   The excess funds are a constant temptation to being misused.
  excess demand 1.84   Faced with this excess demand, the authorities had to ration credit.
  excess energy 1.65   The excess energy dissipates as heat.
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