exceptional circumstance 6.32   They are moved only in exceptional circumstances.
  exceptional case 3.42   He is also an exceptional case.
  exceptional talent 2.17   She has an exceptional talent.
  exceptional item 1.84   There were no exceptional items this year.
  exceptional ability 1.25   Samaranch is a politician of exceptional ability and shrewdness.
  exceptional performance 1.18   It was an exceptional performance.
  exceptional skill 1.05   He has quite exceptional learning skills.
  exceptional job 0.99   The film does an exceptional job of that.
  exceptional speed 0.92   I have exceptional speed for a big man.
  exceptional quality 0.86   This is a wine of exceptional quality.
  exceptional player 0.79   Bogues is an exceptional player because of his size.
  exceptional measure 0.72   But exceptional times demand exceptional measures.
  exceptional one 0.72   But there were other exceptional ones.
  exceptional wine 0.72   They are exceptional wines.
  exceptional woman 0.72   Jensen is an exceptional woman.
  exceptional charge 0.66   The group said exceptional charges were low last year.
  exceptional man 0.59   Passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer.
  exceptional play 0.59   Need someone to make an exceptional play?
  exceptional power 0.59   De Gaulle reacted by invoking an article of the constitution which gave him exceptional powers.
  exceptional value 0.59   These volumes are exceptional values.
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