exact revenge 6.52   Some troops exacted revenge.
  exact price 2.76   That delay exacted a price.
  exact toll 2.37   A toll was exacted socially.
  exact cost 0.66   But relaxing the rules exacted a cost.
  exact retribution 0.59   Faithfull says that her character does exact retribution from the husband.
  exact justice 0.53   Wilson said the law exacts justice for innocent children whose rights have been violated.
  exact commitment 0.33   From the start, he exacts a commitment from his actors to remain with the project through the movie version.
  exact measure 0.33   In return, Congress exacted stern measures of accountability.
  exact vengeance 0.33   And now it is up to the electorate to decide if it will exact vengeance on either party.
  exact concession 0.26   State officials, mindful of local opinion, have exacted concessions from banks in the past.
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