evangelical church 4.67   Evangelical churches sprout up in Zaire.
  evangelical group 2.76   Like the evangelical group, it has suffered financial woes.
  evangelical leader 1.84   Evangelical leaders are changing America for the better.
  evangelical movement 1.45   There is nothing fuzzy about the evangelical movement.
  evangelical minister 1.05   Evangelical ministers denied the accusation of politicking.
  evangelical pastor 1.05   Evangelical pastors come from the same communities as their congregations.
  evangelical denomination 0.92   These include Baptist, Pentecostal and other evangelical denominations.
  evangelical preacher 0.86   A suit and tie then transform him into an evangelical preacher.
  evangelical faith 0.79   The parents say their evangelical faith inspires a strict but loving hand at home.
  evangelical organization 0.72   Tim and Nancy Ramey, like the Wallaces, were part of an evangelical Christian organization.
  evangelical sect 0.72   The legislation is intended to crack down on evangelical sects and cults.
  evangelical community 0.66   The black evangelical community is in fact prime GOP timber.
  evangelical fervor 0.66   Yet many buyers and sellers view eBay with evangelical fervor.
  evangelical mission 0.53   Many faiths have evangelical missions.
  evangelical ministry 0.46   But arguably his greatest gift to both evangelical ministry and to Christianity is his personal integrity.
  evangelical zeal 0.46   He spoke about the project with evangelical zeal.
  evangelical religion 0.39   They were the rational, atheistic two, lost to the evangelical religion of their father.
  evangelical voter 0.39   The rising strength of evangelical voters.
  evangelical congregation 0.33   Soltys and his parents belonged to the evangelical congregation.
  evangelical message 0.33   The handouts, along with helping people, are another way of spreading the evangelical message.
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