euphoria be 3.49   Gone is the euphoria.
  euphoria fade 0.79   But euphoria faded fast.
  euphoria last 0.72   But the euphoria may not last.
  euphoria give 0.46   In short order, economic euphoria gave way to fear.
  euphoria subside 0.39   Once the electoral euphoria subsides, reality will bite.
  euphoria evaporate 0.33   But the euphoria evaporated fast.
  euphoria wear_off 0.33   The euphoria has hardly worn off.
  euphoria die_down 0.26   Once the initial euphoria dies down, some observers think the media will again train its attention on Masako.
  euphoria have 0.26   Design euphoria finally has a New York home.
  euphoria turn 0.26   Within a week, euphoria turned into concern.
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