ethic committee 30.15   Ethics committee meets.
  ethic panel 10.40   Then, the case is presented to an ethics panel.
  ethic rule 9.35   There was no violation of any ethics rule.
  ethic commission 5.99   We put an ethics commission in place.
  ethic investigation 5.07   An ethics investigation is pending.
  ethic law 4.94   Tougher ethics laws are driving lawyers out.
  ethic complaint 4.87   But ethics complaints against him were dismissed.
  ethic violation 4.28   One was disqualified for an ethics violation.
  ethic charge 3.49   One is the string of complicated ethics charges against the president.
  ethic code 2.96   The ethics code came decades later.
  ethic case 2.63   Still to come on Gingrich ethics case.
  ethic report 1.84   Ethics report targets two Salt Lake City officials.
  ethic process 1.58   There are lessons here for the ethics process.
  ethic inquiry 1.45   Both are the subject of congressional ethics inquiries.
  ethic issue 1.45   Look, I have been sensitive to ethics issues for my entire career.
  ethic policy 1.38   Newspaper ethics policies vary widely.
  ethic board 1.32   He brought the question to his own ethics board.
  ethic expert 1.25   Talking to lawyers, editors and journalism ethics experts.
  ethic probe 1.25   Wright resigned under a cloud in the midst of an ethics probe.
  ethic subcommittee 1.25   Pelosi was also a member of the Gingrich ethics subcommittee.
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