eternal life 4.28   Do you believe in eternal life?
  eternal capital 3.03   It has declared the city its eternal capital.
  eternal flame 2.50   They need Camby to be the eternal flame.
  eternal optimist 1.58   I am an eternal optimist.
  eternal youth 1.58   I hold onto the illusion of an eternal youth.
  eternal damnation 1.32   ...a fear of eternal damnation.
  eternal vigilance 1.32   Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
  eternal love 0.92   It is a declaration of their eternal love.
  eternal question 0.79   Consider the eternal question of the rake vs. the square.
  eternal struggle 0.66   As to his own writing, Ferry confesses to the eternal struggle.
  eternal darkness 0.59   In front of the Althosian system lay only eternal darkness.
  eternal rest 0.59   Bed frames sometimes were placed on graves to symbolize eternal rest.
  eternal truth 0.59   The Framers, after all, dealt in eternal truths, not glossy deceit.
  eternal debate 0.53   This is the eternal debate about African art.
  eternal peace 0.53   May it not disturb his eternal peace.
  eternal salvation 0.53   Legend has it that a visit to Zenkoji can bring eternal salvation.
  eternal verity 0.46   Yet, surely, the eternal verities of any game still apply.
  eternal conflict 0.39   Their sharp, shuddery relevance to our own eternal conflicts shows clear.
  eternal glory 0.39   Eternal glory to Comrade Deng Xiaoping!
  eternal punishment 0.39   Some religions teach that wicked people will suffer eternal punishment in hell after they die.
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