erratic behavior 5.53   Erratic behavior.
  erratic performance 1.51   Yet there were questions after his erratic performance on Tuesday.
  erratic pattern 1.38   The navigator can detect an erratic driving pattern that could indicate drowsiness.
  erratic play 0.99   Woods was hardly annoyed by his erratic play.
  erratic wind 0.92   The erratic Canyon winds made a better example.
  erratic rainfall 0.72   Floods and erratic rainfall have also been blamed.
  erratic season 0.72   But both teams have had erratic seasons.
  erratic start 0.72   After an erratic start, Parris grew increasingly effective.
  erratic movement 0.66   Extreme movement to erratic movement.
  erratic policy 0.59   His support soon faded amid erratic policies, infighting and alleged impropriety.
  erratic schedule 0.59   Instead of an erratic schedule, she worked eight hours a day, five days a week.
  erratic weather 0.59   Due to erratic weather patterns this weekend, a win may be difficult.
  erratic item 0.53   The CSO defines erratic items as ships, North Sea installations, aircraft, precious stones and silver.
  erratic leadership 0.46   His popularity has plummeted in the last two years over his erratic leadership style, the war in Chechnya and economic troubles.
  erratic heartbeat 0.39   An unnecessary defibrillator firing can trigger an erratic heartbeat that could be life-threatening, cardiologists say.
  erratic rain 0.39   Erratic rains could also lead to more droughts.
  erratic style 0.39   His erratic style has made him the subject of several national magazine and newspaper articles.
  erratic behaviour 0.33   Firefighters were working to protect homes but the erratic behaviour of the bushfires made it hard to contain them.
  erratic career 0.33   Testaverde had an erratic career with Tampa Bay.
  erratic defense 0.33   Erratic defense.
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