erode value 30.09   A weak yen erodes the value of the assets.
  erode profit 11.59   More strikes will erode profits.
  erode confidence 6.58   Or they can help erode his confidence.
  erode support 5.46   In response, support in Congress eroded.
  erode return 3.62   Inflation erodes the return of financial assets.
  erode gain 3.29   These gains were eroded by late afternoon.
  erode earnings 3.09   A strong Swiss franc eroded earnings.
  erode credibility 1.84   Clinton confession will erode his credibility.
  erode authority 1.71   Yet as the weeks went by, Ebola insidiously eroded his authority.
  erode power 1.45   He was out to erode our power at the bargaining table.
  erode competitiveness 1.38   This, in turn, will erode the competitiveness of our goods and services.
  erode popularity 1.18   But like Stern, the hit in the wallet is starting to erode his popularity.
  erode demand 1.12   Fewer meals at home further erodes milk demand.
  erode revenue 0.86   A rising jobless rate erodes tax revenue and boosts welfare spending.
  erode right 0.86   This is going to erode the right to keep and bear arms.
  erode profitability 0.72   Traders said investors are worried an oversupply of steel will drive prices lower and erode profitability.
  erode growth 0.66   Start-up costs at two new hotels will erode earnings growth this year.
  erode trust 0.66   Does using them erode trust?
  erode morale 0.59   Measly wages and low public trust have eroded military morale.
  erode base 0.53   Time and upward mobility have eroded its base of Yiddish speakers.
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