eradicate poverty 4.48   The goal is to eradicate extreme poverty by then.
  eradicate disease 3.75   Frightful diseases have been eradicated.
  eradicate corruption 2.96   New leaders try to eradicate corruption.
  eradicate terrorism 2.76   You do this not because it will eradicate all terrorism.
  eradicate polio 1.97   The organization is involved in a drive to eradicate polio.
  eradicate crop 1.78   Menchu also criticized U.S.-backed efforts to eradicate crops used to make cocaine.
  eradicate virus 1.71   Eradicating the virus.
  eradicate smallpox 1.25   They eradicated smallpox.
  eradicate problem 0.92   That will go a long way toward eradicating the problem.
  eradicate mosquito 0.79   And it can be controlled by eradicating mosquitoes.
  eradicate pest 0.72   The department has no plans yet to eradicate the pest.
  eradicate piracy 0.72   Washington accuses Beijing of failing to adhere to an agreement signed last year to eradicate copyright piracy.
  eradicate pylorus 0.72   Bismuth has also become popular in recent years as a treatment in peptic ulcer to eradicate Helicobacter pylori.
  eradicate practice 0.66   Eventually, he maintained, the decree and the warnings could eradicate the practice.
  eradicate cancer 0.53   Although it may prolong survival, it cannot even temporarily eradicate the cancer.
  eradicate plant 0.53   The same technologies can be applied to eradicate plants used for marijuana and heroin.
  eradicate coca 0.46   Had Bolivia not eradicated the coca, it faced decertification by the United States and the loss of U.S. aid.
  eradicate hunger 0.46   Food stamps have not eradicated hunger.
  eradicate illness 0.46   In return, Britain pledged to take steps to eradicate the illness.
  eradicate legacy 0.46   Join us in eradicating the legacy of apartheid.
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