enzyme activity 1.58   After washing, enzyme activity was detected insitu.
  enzyme secretion 0.66   Data for enzyme secretion parallelled changes in secretory volume.
  enzyme system 0.66   One in five apparently has a potential problem, considering this one enzyme system alone.
  enzyme deficiency 0.53   Take the alpha one antitrypsin enzyme deficiency in the lung.
  enzyme level 0.53   However, my liver enzyme levels had returned to near-normal levels.
  enzyme assay 0.46   All the enzyme assays were run in triplicate.
  enzyme inhibitor 0.46   Drugs that combine antibiotics with enzyme inhibitors are now common.
  enzyme synthesis 0.46   This study is the first to suggest non-parallel enzyme synthesis in man.
  enzyme telomerase 0.33   Telomeres are kept long in egg and sperm cells by the enzyme telomerase.
  enzyme gene 0.26   The treatment consisted of injections of bone marrow stem cells that were altered to contain the missing enzyme gene.
  enzyme thrombin 0.26   It protects the blood vessels by converting the enzyme thrombin from a clotting agent into an anticlotting agent.
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