entrenched interest 2.04   Old habits dies as hard as entrenched interests.
  entrenched bureaucracy 1.58   His nemeses are rampant crime and an entrenched bureaucracy.
  entrenched position 1.45   Pakistan and India hold entrenched positions.
  entrenched problem 0.72   As Perez assumes office, he will face a host of entrenched problems.
  entrenched power 0.66   On the one hand they resented the entrenched power of the landed aristocracy.
  entrenched culture 0.59   It involves the entrenched culture of legalized bribery that permeates our democratic process.
  entrenched monopoly 0.59   Theodore Roosevelt took on entrenched monopolies, helping small businesses to thrive and competition to flourish.
  entrenched incumbent 0.53   His path would be blocked by more entrenched incumbents.
  entrenched attitude 0.46   Entrenched attitudes only leave when agents retire.
  entrenched poverty 0.46   There is no silver bullet for entrenched poverty, though.
  entrenched tradition 0.46   For historic and cultural reasons, dubbing is a deeply entrenched tradition.
  entrenched part 0.39   But in fact, gay and lesbian performers have by now become an entrenched part of the comedy scene.
  entrenched practice 0.39   Sexual harassment, meanwhile, remains a deeply entrenched practice.
  entrenched competitor 0.33   And in other markets it faces a tough fight from entrenched competitors.
  entrenched corruption 0.33   After generations of entrenched corruption, some of the new austerity is even welcome.
  entrenched elite 0.33   Q. Japan is a very traditional society with entrenched elites.
  entrenched guerrilla 0.33   The security forces returned fire, but made no headway against the entrenched guerrillas.
  entrenched habit 0.33   There were some deeply entrenched habits to break.
  entrenched bureaucrat 0.26   And his reform proposals are already meeting resistance from entrenched bureaucrats and the hard-line opposition that dominates parliament.
  entrenched telephone 0.26   Furthermore, Sprint and its cable partners may offer phone service in cities across the country, battling entrenched local telephone company monopolies.
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