enhance performance 8.49   Does it enhance performance?
  enhance security 6.58   Swipe cards are used to enhance security.
  enhance cooperation 5.40   He mentioned both the possibility of making purchases or enhancing cooperation.
  enhance value 5.40   Does it enhance the value of the building?
  enhance chance 4.54   Now its chances are greatly enhanced.
  enhance image 4.34   Computers enhance the images.
  enhance reputation 3.88   That reputation is enhanced here.
  enhance safety 3.29   School design may also enhance safety.
  enhance ability 2.90   It enhances his ability to be a fugitive.
  enhance competitiveness 2.90   Companies large and small are re-engineering to enhance their competitiveness.
  enhance flavor 2.83   Ginger and orange enhance the flavor.
  enhance quality 2.70   This time, the sound quality is digitally enhanced.
  enhance effect 2.57   Computer graphics enhanced the effect.
  enhance power 2.44   Ethical lapses do not enhance political power.
  enhance productivity 2.24   That will enhance productivity.
  enhance prospect 2.24   Meet-leading rider Jerry Bailey enhances his prospects.
  enhance tie 2.11   The agreement is part of recent efforts to enhance security ties.
  enhance earnings 1.91   It will immediately enhance their earnings, they said.
  enhance role 1.78   What happens will either enhance that role or diminish it.
  enhance stability 1.71   It will enhance stability.
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