enforce law 58.33   Why do the police not enforce the law?
  enforce rule 22.58   He enforces the rules.
  enforce ban 13.82   The ban was not enforced.
  enforce regulation 10.53   Reilly has never enforced the regulation.
  enforce sanction 5.40   The UN will have the job of enforcing the sanctions.
  enforce order 5.20   Military enforce order after labor unrest.
  enforce peace 5.00   NATO is coming to enforce the peace.
  enforce policy 5.00   Is it to enforce a policy?
  enforce agreement 4.74   The stipulated agreement is enforced by a judge.
  enforce cease-fire 4.28   Israel said Arafat was never serious about enforcing a cease-fire.
  enforce embargo 4.28   Enforcing the embargo may be problematic.
  enforce measure 4.08   Other security measures have been enforced.
  enforce standard 4.08   Even these standards are weakly enforced, it added.
  enforce curfew 3.95   The army enforced a curfew on the city centre.
  enforce discipline 3.55   Discipline is ruthlessly enforced.
  enforce ruling 3.36   They use militiamen to enforce their rulings.
  enforce restriction 3.29   Others are enforcing tougher restrictions.
  enforce provision 3.03   The NASD enforces the provision.
  enforce contract 2.63   A threat to enforce the contract would dissuade other bidders.
  enforce right 2.44   Victims need standing to enforce the rights they have.
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