encounter problem 18.56   Some encountered problems.
  encounter resistance 12.84   We encounter resistance from the locals.
  encounter difficulty 8.16   Other funds have encountered similar difficulties.
  encounter opposition 6.25   Pitts is expected to encounter stiff opposition there.
  encounter trouble 3.42   He encountered more trouble last Thursday.
  encounter obstacle 1.97   But he expects to encounter obstacles.
  encounter people 1.51   Park patrons like encountering people from overseas.
  encounter turbulence 1.45   President Bush is encountering turbulence.
  encounter man 1.32   According to Lt. Arne Maitland, a foot patrol encountered four men.
  encounter criticism 1.18   Kareem Abdul-Jabbar encountered such criticism.
  encounter delay 1.05   Meanwhile, Beverly had encountered a delay at the desk.
  encounter group 1.05   Buchanan had encountered a group in College Station, Texas.
  encounter hostility 0.99   I never encountered hostility.
  encounter air 0.92   Updrafts often accelerate when air rising from the ground encounters much colder air above.
  encounter woman 0.86   But he encountered a woman, bound and gagged her, and she suffocated.
  encounter prejudice 0.79   Students with learning difficulties often encounter prejudice.
  encounter situation 0.79   New York Republicans have not encountered this situation before.
  encounter competition 0.72   He said the EBU has encountered competition previously.
  encounter challenge 0.66   The plan already has encountered challenges.
  encounter water 0.66   The feminist movement has encountered rough waters of late.
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