emerge as 190.26   China has once again emerged as a world power.
  emerge in 73.47   The flowers emerge in the spring.
  emerge with 29.95   Bennett emerged with a shotgun.
  emerge on 15.67   Each year a theme emerges on its own.
  emerge of 10.34   Details emerge of terror to force out refugees.
  emerge at 10.27   At night it emerges to forage.
  emerge for 8.43   Similar gaps emerged for women.
  emerge after 8.29   A new middle class emerged after the war.
  emerge over 7.83   That can only emerge over time.
  emerge about 6.71   They emerged about an hour later.
  emerge into 5.86   Russia will emerge into the light.
  emerge during 5.79   Another strong bloc emerged during the sessions.
  emerge between 4.67   Other tensions emerged between the two men.
  emerge among 3.88   Divisions emerge among Southeast Asian nations.
  emerge through 3.42   He said the truth only emerges through debate.
  emerge behind 3.09   A man emerges from behind the barrels.
  emerge by 3.09   The nominees could emerge by mid-March.
  emerge to 2.90   They emerge only to strike at the Israelis and then retreat.
  emerge within 2.37   Criticism has also emerged from within the fold.
  emerge under 2.24   But why do these scandals emerge under a Democrat regime?
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