embrace idea 10.60   Clinton has embraced the idea.
  embrace technology 4.48   Farmers embraced the technology.
  embrace change 3.82   Baseball should embrace this change.
  embrace concept 3.42   Holly Near quickly embraced the concept.
  embrace reform 2.37   We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms.
  embrace plan 2.17   Not all schools are embracing the plans.
  embrace proposal 2.11   Some have even embraced his proposals.
  embrace notion 2.04   Bill Clinton, contrariwise, embraced the notion of a fast start.
  embrace role 1.84   Rhea embraced that role.
  embrace culture 1.78   China is embracing pop culture.
  embrace democracy 1.78   Blair said all parties must embrace democracy wholeheartedly.
  embrace cause 1.71   Revisionists embrace the cause.
  embrace life 1.32   Also we embrace life.
  embrace issue 1.25   The women embraced the issue of education.
  embrace view 1.25   Most Democrats embrace that view.
  embrace challenge 1.12   Would it be so hard to embrace the challenge?
  embrace principle 1.12   Populous embraces that principle with Wagnerian brio.
  embrace faith 1.05   A. I embraced my faith.
  embrace wife 1.05   In the giddy afterglow, he embraced his wife, Rose.
  embrace team 0.99   Embracing this team is not hard.
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