elect president 22.78   Venezuela elects new president.
  elect leader 6.85   Every leader should be elected.
  elect member 5.73   Its members were elected in May.
  elect candidate 5.66   The best candidates will be elected.
  elect mayor 4.28   Milan and Turin elect mayors.
  elect government 3.82   The right to elect government?
  elect successor 3.82   The party would elect his successor, he added.
  elect representative 3.03   We elect representatives, not saviors.
  elect official 2.83   Some elected officials.
  elect governor 2.70   Thirty-six states also elected governors.
  elect parliament 2.70   A new parliament was also elected.
  elect legislature 2.50   A new legislature was elected in May.
  elect speaker 2.50   The full House elects the speaker.
  elect woman 2.30   Twelve women have been elected.
  elect judge 2.04   All other judges are elected.
  elect officer 1.84   They elected officers.
  elect delegate 1.65   Each district elects three delegates.
  elect senator 1.65   Senators are elected nationwide.
  elect legislator 1.58   Three hundred districts elected one legislator each.
  elect assembly 1.51   The assembly was elected last year.
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