efficient way 11.13   But they are an efficient way to thin forests.
  efficient use 7.18   An equally efficient use of resource.
  efficient service 3.49   But it was not an efficient service.
  efficient system 3.09   But it creates an efficient system.
  efficient operation 2.90   The second is the execution, a starkly efficient operation.
  efficient method 1.97   We need more efficient methods of transporting goods.
  efficient management 1.91   Some schools seem to be translating local control into efficient management.
  efficient mean 1.91   Bigger means more efficient.
  efficient production 1.78   One is ensuring efficient global production.
  efficient market 1.71   An efficient market system requires both.
  efficient producer 1.58   He found that redwoods are extremely efficient producers of fog drip.
  efficient technology 1.58   Efficient technology Think of it.
  efficient energy 1.32   The portable Flashbake is energy efficient because of its speed.
  efficient fuel 1.18   Gas is a very efficient fuel.
  efficient machine 1.05   The most efficient machine, he added, is a hand tool.
  efficient plant 1.05   Nasser said Ford will concentrate car production at its most efficient plants.
  efficient company 0.99   These are fearsomely efficient companies.
  efficient allocation 0.92   In this situation, an efficient budgetary allocation is mandatory.
  efficient computer 0.86   So the more efficient computer programs systematically use extended dictionaries.
  efficient appliance 0.79   We need more efficient appliances in our homes.
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