early morning 120.28   Early morning at least.
  early election 98.35   But Perisic wants early elections.
  early stage 91.51   ...the early stages of pregnancy.
  early day 85.58   Even in that early day?
  early year 69.65   Tonight we start with the early years.
  early afternoon 50.82   We met in the early afternoon.
  early hour 50.03   ...the early hours of Saturday morning.
  early retirement 49.44   No wonder they take early retirement.
  early age 41.87   The calves are weaned at an early age.
  early gain 36.01   Banks extended early gains.
  early evening 34.56   By early evening she was desperate.
  early lead 33.44   Early leads went nowhere.
  early summer 28.77   An early summer afternoon.
  early spring 25.67   Book by early spring.
  early part 25.02   I will push it to the early part of next week.
  early loss 24.88   Bonds today erased early losses.
  early season 23.17   And so, this early season, they do.
  early report 23.11   Early reports say two are dead.
  early release 22.84   It could result in his early release.
  early today 21.53   I finished work early today.
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