duty officer 15.08   A duty officer gave no details.
  duty manager 1.18   A manager, a screener-in-charge and a former duty manager agreed.
  duty solicitor 0.99   Best to let Mr Surkov see the duty solicitor on legal aid.
  duty personnel 0.86   Active duty personnel are stretched thin and getting thinner.
  duty truck 0.59   The two units in Janesville produce medium duty trucks and Isuzu vehicles.
  duty exemption 0.53   South Bay businesses will be affected most by the new duty exemption, experts say.
  duty rate 0.53   The number of duty rates has been brought down to five from the existing six rates.
  duty official 0.39   A duty official with the U.S. Marine Corps on Okinawa declined to comment.
  duty revenue 0.39   Total excise duty revenue is much less buoyant than VAT revenue.
  duty soldier 0.39   But analysts stressed that these figures did not take into account the vote of thousands of active duty soldiers.
  duty station 0.39   My first duty station in the service was in North Carolina.
  duty editor 0.33   Tom Oder is the duty editor tonight.
  duty investigation 0.33   A seventh officer has been put on desk duty pending further investigation.
  duty pay 0.33   Both candidates have promised to raise active duty pay.
  duty room 0.33   I returned to my duty room to have some tea.
  duty roster 0.33   I noticed that my name was not on the night duty roster.
  duty sergeant 0.33   Charlie enquired of the duty sergeant.
  duty structure 0.33   Alternative excise duty structures could maintain existing revenue levels with less distortion of consumer choice.
  duty visit 0.33   A duty visit to Beijing by the SAR chief executive is not stipulated in the Basic Law.
  duty drama 0.26   There were few chuckles in this heavy duty drama, which followed in the footsteps of Widows, Prime Suspect Civvies.
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