drop charge 77.81   Charges were dropped.
  drop bomb 39.70   Drop your bomb.
  drop plan 24.56   MPI dropped its plans.
  drop case 22.65   The case was dropped.
  drop ball 20.54   Dropped ball.
  drop demand 16.52   Washington should drop this demand.
  drop pass 14.02   Dropped passes.
  drop opposition 11.72   AIPAC drops opposition to a Palestinian state.
  drop lawsuit 10.86   Gore should drop the lawsuit.
  drop set 10.01   Oremans has yet to drop a set.
  drop hint 9.74   Drop a hint?
  drop idea 9.22   The idea was dropped.
  drop suit 9.15   The suit was dropped.
  drop serve 9.08   Then, Bruguera also dropped serve.
  drop leaflet 8.62   Other planes also dropped leaflets.
  drop game 7.50   She went on to drop the game.
  drop appeal 6.91   Or he can drop the appeal.
  drop objection 6.52   Bosnian Croats to drop their objections.
  drop name 6.39   He drops more names.
  drop price 6.39   Deflation means dropping prices.
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