drop for 31.40   Why not drop in for a chat?
  drop after 23.63   He dropped out after three years.
  drop in 21.79   Both suits were dropped in February.
  drop as 16.92   His grades dropped from As to Fs.
  drop because_of 10.73   One dropped out because of side effects.
  drop with 10.66   Neighbors drop by with condolences.
  drop like 6.78   I drop down Like the night.
  drop during 5.53   It typically drops during a recession.
  drop by 5.46   Half drop out by the second week.
  drop before 3.88   The charges were dropped before trial.
  drop for_lack_of 3.42   Charges were dropped for lack of evidence.
  drop to 3.23   The next year it dropped to last.
  drop on 2.96   The Dow had dropped on Friday.
  drop below 2.90   Overnight temperatures now routinely drop below freezing.
  drop since 2.30   Prices have been dropping since mid-May.
  drop without 2.24   We dropped in without warning on my friend Judith.
  drop at 1.78   The dollar dropped at first, but then rallied.
  drop of 1.51   Little drops of ocean,
  drop in_favor_of 1.38   Corpuscle later would be dropped in favor of electron.
  drop down 1.32   Forty six on mine, dropped it down.
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