drop be 29.30   But the drops were risky.
  drop come 5.99   A drop likely will come first.
  drop reflect 3.09   This drop reflected a surge in consumption.
  drop follow 1.84   The drop follows two consecutive gains in May and June.
  drop occur 1.38   No such drop should occur this year, it said.
  drop fall 1.32   But not a drop falls.
  drop mean 1.18   That drop often means multiple bosses.
  drop begin 1.05   The drop began at the opening.
  drop hit 0.79   But the price drop has hit businesses here hard.
  drop lead 0.79   The fall was led by drops in blue chips.
  drop suggest 0.79   The drop in imports suggests much of the inventory buildup came from domestic production.
  drop help 0.72   That drop has helped kindle demand for houses.
  drop cause 0.66   The sharp drop caused regulators to suspend trading for a half-hour.
  drop continue 0.66   The drop continued last year, he found.
  drop have 0.66   The drop in ratings has little to do with the product.
  drop prompt 0.59   The steep drop prompted him to go to his boss, Margaret McConnell, and suggest a probe.
  drop push 0.59   The drop pushed crude oil lower.
  drop raise 0.59   The drop also raises questions.
  drop result 0.59   The drop resulted from the sale of several businesses.
  drop indicate 0.53   Excessive needle drop indicates an old or dried-out tree.
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