drainage system 9.22   The drainage system is old.
  drainage ditch 5.92   The drainage ditch may fail.
  drainage pipe 1.65   Install drainage pipes.
  drainage canal 1.38   The farmers use an intricate system of drainage canals.
  drainage channel 1.25   Keep the drainage channel clear.
  drainage problem 1.18   Old pipes and drainage problems.
  drainage hole 1.05   Use a clean clay pot with a drainage hole.
  drainage area 0.66   They inspected the drainage area by the nearby practice football field.
  drainage culvert 0.59   As the truck burned, she fled into a field and hid in a drainage culvert.
  drainage work 0.46   Some drainage work had to be done.
  drainage facility 0.39   All the state-run health centers were flooded and drainage facilities were clogged.
  drainage pattern 0.33   Subdivisions can cause crop losses by altering drainage patterns in nearby fields.
  drainage project 0.33   But that did not stop the drainage project.
  drainage tunnel 0.33   He said the drainage tunnel was drilled through rock under a mountain without any concrete reinforcement.
  drainage tile 0.26   Telephone poles, railroad beds and drainage tiles are being removed.
  drainage tube 0.26   Mrs. Johnson said doctors removed drainage tubes from his head Sunday.
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