double be 2.50   The doubles are no slouches.
  double match 1.05   The two wins in singles made the final doubles match meaningless.
  double fault 0.46   Courier double faulted on match point.
  double play 0.39   The umps agreed and ruled it a double play, inning over.
  double say 0.39   Double said it was not immediatley clear when the match would be replayed.
  double decide 0.26   In fact, the team concept is so integral that doubles can actually decide a championship.
  double follow 0.26   The doubles follows the singles on Sunday.
  double give 0.26   The double gave the United States four medals for the night.
  double glaze 0.26   Great big double glazed glass.
  double score 0.26   The double scored two runs and put Baltimore ahead to stay.
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