dopamine system 1.18   Compulsive gamblers seem to have vulnerable dopamine systems.
  dopamine level 0.66   Brain scans found that GVG reduced their dopamine levels.
  dopamine neuron 0.59   The bee brain has only one dopamine neuron.
  dopamine transporter 0.59   Two years ago, Caron developed a knockout mouse that was missing the dopamine transporter.
  dopamine cell 0.53   Dopamine cells have no intelligence, Sejnowski said.
  dopamine receptor 0.46   They mimic the action of dopamine by stimulating dopamine receptors on other nerve cells.
  dopamine production 0.26   Cocaine appears to increase dopamine production.
  dopamine signal 0.26   He suggested that the drugs were blocking the receptors on neurons that pick up the dopamine signal.
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