donor country 29.43   Donor countries were to provide the rest.
  donor nation 13.56   He said that we were the largest donor nation.
  donor conference 6.19   Another donor conference is scheduled for April.
  donor list 3.16   The donor list was next.
  donor organ 2.83   Donor organs are a rare commodity.
  donor heart 2.63   I have a donor heart.
  donor government 2.44   UNHCR officials met with donor governments to ask for funds.
  donor agency 1.97   The missions will also facilitate coordination with other donor agencies, it said.
  donor egg 1.97   Doctors suggested using donor eggs.
  donor community 1.18   The donor community needs to understand the human costs of underfunded global development.
  donor group 1.18   Clinton never disbanded the big donor groups.
  donor family 1.12   No cost to the donor family.
  donor base 1.05   And that counts only his proven donor base.
  donor sperm 1.05   Even so, transmission of HIV through donor sperm back then was rare.
  donor fatigue 0.99   Donor fatigue already is a fact of life in Rwanda.
  donor money 0.99   Donor money was not a factor.
  donor program 0.99   The Philippine government has no volunteer blood donor program.
  donor aid 0.86   Donor aid goes toward road construction and health services.
  donor liver 0.86   The donor liver was found Tuesday.
  donor cell 0.72   Both sets are shipped into the egg from the adult donor cell.
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