divisional playoff 6.32   NFL divisional playoffs on Fox and NBC.
  divisional title 1.97   Divisional title on the September cooker.
  divisional series 1.91   It was just the fifth pinch-hit home run in divisional series history.
  divisional election 1.58   THE on-going Umno divisional elections continues to attract public interest.
  divisional race 1.45   Certainly not if the Mets were in a divisional race.
  divisional rival 1.45   Brown believes Bledsoe will be a tough divisional rival.
  divisional game 1.38   Carolina and San Francisco are divisional games.
  divisional commander 1.32   The local divisional commander called me direct.
  divisional championship 1.05   A divisional championship.
  divisional manager 0.92   She was not the divisional manager he wanted, he had decided.
  divisional opponent 0.92   No other divisional opponent gave the Lakers such fits.
  divisional post 0.86   Contests involving supreme council members bidding for other divisional posts are allowed.
  divisional level 0.79   Of the two, the election at the divisional level is far more exciting and important.
  divisional meeting 0.79   Parit Umno says its divisional meeting is valid, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  divisional round 0.79   But they lost in the divisional round to Carolina.
  divisional director 0.72   He reports to Herb Dunn, divisional director of the Northeast division.
  divisional winner 0.66   But now both are divisional winners.
  divisional head 0.59   The decision, which only applies to divisional heads, was reaffirmed by the council.
  divisional headquarters 0.59   An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.
  divisional leader 0.59   September for divisional leaders is not about talking.
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