divine intervention 7.90   Divine intervention?
  divine guidance 1.25   He offered a brief prayer for divine guidance.
  divine inspiration 1.18   Divine inspiration?
  divine retribution 1.12   A passer-by saw the fire as divine retribution.
  divine revelation 1.12   Divine revelation is always a possibility.
  divine power 0.99   Galatea, who has divine power, then makes her lover immortal.
  divine being 0.79   There is something irresistible about these divine beings.
  divine help 0.79   But divine help was at hand.
  divine will 0.79   Hamas may not leave it to divine will.
  divine mission 0.72   He had claimed to be inspired with a divine mission, the rabbi said.
  divine gift 0.66   The pontiff said human life is a divine gift.
  divine law 0.66   The Almighty God gave us, the children of Noah, seven divine laws by which to live.
  divine presence 0.66   Clouds being logical steps, nine was as close to divine presence as one could get.
  divine protection 0.66   The people showed up under divine protection.
  divine plan 0.59   A divine plan.
  divine providence 0.59   Call it destiny, fate, luck, divine providence.
  divine punishment 0.59   He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.
  divine love 0.46   Human love should be a reflection of divine love, and so not be selfish or cruel.
  divine origin 0.46   As a gift of divine origin, there was nothing sacrilegious in their use.
  divine purpose 0.46   In his peroration, Bush sought a divine purpose in that storm-directed spread of democracy.
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