distributor be 4.08   The distributors are happy.
  distributor say 3.16   The distributors say they carry Fuji because it sells better.
  distributor have 1.25   But the American distributors had a point.
  distributor buy 0.72   Few film distributors are buying.
  distributor sell 0.72   Others wait until the distributors sell to the end customer.
  distributor make 0.46   Clipper distributors can make more money selling the name of purchasers than they do on the product, he writes.
  distributor do 0.39   In effect, Triarc let its distributors do its market research.
  distributor refuse 0.39   Four other Japanese oil distributors reportedly refused to accept the Iranian proposal.
  distributor agree 0.33   In addition to Norweb, three other distributors have agreed to be taken over.
  distributor import 0.33   The law essentially allows drug distributors to import U.S.-made drugs sold cheaper abroad.
  distributor offer 0.33   Distributors can offer both.
  distributor try 0.33   Sometimes the price is low because distributors are trying to unload inventory.
  distributor want 0.33   Multimedia distributors want to sell their wares, not rent them.
  distributor begin 0.26   Israeli distributors have even begun competing for exclusive rights to sell it.
  distributor face 0.26   Already, six distributors have faced takeover offers this year.
  distributor file 0.26   The distributor recently filed for bankruptcy protection.
  distributor get 0.26   Maher notes that all distributors are getting into specialty produce.
  distributor pay 0.26   The movie distributors always pay healthy prices, one senior network sales executive said.
  distributor receive 0.26   Second, the distributor may also receive commissions based on volumes.
  distributor release 0.26   No distributor will release a film in Britain without a certificate.
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