dissenting vote 5.79   Japan cast the dissenting vote.
  dissenting voice 5.73   There are dissenting voices.
  dissenting view 2.37   A dissenting view.
  dissenting judge 1.58   The dissenting judge was Clyde H. Hamilton.
  dissenting justice 1.51   One dissenting justice, Antonin Scalia, certainly left that possibility open.
  dissenting member 1.18   The dissenting member had wanted to wait for White House approval.
  dissenting state 0.86   A few dissenting states, or even one, could scuttle a settlement proposal, legal experts say.
  dissenting report 0.46   They released a dissenting report Wednesday.
  dissenting faction 0.39   The dissenting faction had tuna tunnel vision.
  dissenting group 0.39   The dissenting group also wants Sallie Mae to spin off its loan-servicing unit.
  dissenting opinion 0.33   STEVENS, J., and SOUTER, J., filed dissenting opinions.
  dissenting party 0.33   Dissenting political parties have been banned.
  dissenting player 0.33   If the dissenting players accomplish their goal, the union would lose its authority to represent the players.
  dissenting commissioner 0.26   The dissenting commissioners had been strong allies of Robert Pitofsky, the head of the agency under Clinton.
  dissenting shareholder 0.26   Opposition to the scheme The court will take into account any objections raised by dissenting shareholders.
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