disrupt traffic 16.33   Traffic was severely disrupted.
  disrupt service 14.35   No service was disrupted.
  disrupt life 10.07   His life was seriously disrupted.
  disrupt supply 7.04   The strike did not disrupt power supplies.
  disrupt election 5.73   Both denied being involved in plans to disrupt the elections.
  disrupt meeting 4.94   Some gangsters also threaten to disrupt meetings unless they are paid off.
  disrupt production 4.34   It was unclear to what extent production was disrupted.
  disrupt operation 4.08   Operations were also disrupted at Westchester Airport in Harrison, N.Y.
  disrupt flight 3.95   No flights were disrupted.
  disrupt business 3.82   The attacks disrupted business throughout the country.
  disrupt plan 3.09   Terrorist plans have been disrupted.
  disrupt schedule 2.83   Academic schedules were disrupted.
  disrupt export 2.63   They said exports could be disrupted for a few days.
  disrupt flow 2.57   This will disrupt the flow of air.
  disrupt proceeding 2.50   But two rival strategies threaten to disrupt the proceedings.
  disrupt travel 2.37   A few miles away, in Imperia, schools were closed and travel was disrupted.
  disrupt communication 2.24   Railroad communications also were disrupted.
  disrupt effort 2.17   Continued Mideast fighting would disrupt such efforts.
  disrupt class 2.04   Classes were not disrupted.
  disrupt transport 2.04   And in northern Greece, transport was disrupted by heavy snowfall.
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