disprove theory 1.38   I think we disproved that theory today.
  disprove claim 1.32   Scores of science projects were launched to prove or disprove damage claims.
  disprove allegation 1.12   However, Slovo was able to disprove the allegations.
  disprove notion 0.79   The study disproves any notion that dolphins are not intelligent.
  disprove report 0.59   Anderson has been working to disprove the reports.
  disprove accusation 0.53   The latter, if underfinanced, has no way to disprove the accusations.
  disprove charge 0.46   Estrada insists he will not resign and has said he will disprove the charges.
  disprove hypothesis 0.46   But Lozano said reenactments of the crime disproved that hypothesis.
  disprove existence 0.39   The defense had been attempting to disprove the existence of a genocide.
  disprove idea 0.33   Harry is desperate to disprove the idea.
  disprove possibility 0.26   --Bauer failed to disprove the possibility of impropriety.
  disprove story 0.26   But she emphasized that she was not trying to prove or disprove the story.
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