disgruntled employee 7.50   Talk about disgruntled former employees!
  disgruntled worker 4.08   Tips from disgruntled workers also help.
  disgruntled fan 2.90   And he hears about it from disgruntled fans.
  disgruntled soldier 2.63   Disgruntled soldiers stage brief uprising.
  disgruntled voter 2.11   Politicians feared disgruntled voters.
  disgruntled customer 1.91   Yes, abuse flows in from disgruntled customers, including mocking peers.
  disgruntled member 1.84   But some disgruntled members now belong to other Muslim groups.
  disgruntled shareholder 1.51   It faces a number of lawsuits by disgruntled shareholders.
  disgruntled officer 1.32   The disgruntled officers talked about problems that run deep.
  disgruntled player 1.25   Add Canucks defenseman Jeff Brown to the growing list of disgruntled players.
  disgruntled investor 1.05   Fidelity still faces lawsuits filed by disgruntled investors.
  disgruntled army 0.79   A disgruntled former army soldier was charged with that crime.
  disgruntled center 0.72   Disgruntled center Chris Burgess transferred to Utah.
  disgruntled passenger 0.59   After long delays, disgruntled passengers were taken to a nearby hotel.
  disgruntled resident 0.59   She may have sent a stronger message to other disgruntled HOA residents.
  disgruntled student 0.59   Many survivors said they suspected disgruntled students set the blaze.
  disgruntled rebel 0.53   Officials said many disgruntled former rebels have turned to banditry or returned to Muslim rebel groups.
  disgruntled veteran 0.53   New players were housed at the airport hotel to offer them protection from disgruntled veterans or fans.
  disgruntled consumer 0.46   The sites allow disgruntled consumers to express themselves.
  disgruntled farmer 0.46   A rather disgruntled farmer appeared.
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