discovery be 19.88   Discovery is our business.
  discovery lead 5.79   Their discovery led to a treatment.
  discovery come 4.02   The discovery came by accident.
  discovery have 2.83   The discovery has two novel aspects.
  discovery help 2.30   New discoveries also helped shape the plans.
  discovery make 1.84   The grim discovery made her sick.
  discovery raise 1.45   The discovery raises many other questions.
  discovery mean 1.12   And more discoveries obviously mean more patents.
  discovery prompt 1.12   The discovery prompted investigations into imports of waste.
  discovery show 1.12   Whether the discoveries really show King Scorpion is much less clear.
  discovery bring 1.05   Every new discovery brings more dire warnings.
  discovery follow 0.99   More discoveries followed.
  discovery trigger 0.99   Discovery of it triggered a security alert.
  discovery provide 0.92   But to paleontologists the discovery provides much more than new dates.
  discovery cause 0.79   Their discovery immediately caused a national debate.
  discovery prove 0.79   This wonderful discovery proves many things.
  discovery suggest 0.79   The new discoveries suggest we can set our own cellular timers.
  discovery give 0.72   His discovery gave the world quinine.
  discovery indicate 0.66   The discovery indicates that the Supe Valley was a cradle of civilization in the Americas.
  discovery mark 0.66   The discovery Marks a significant technological advance.
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