discharge patient 3.55   The patient was discharged the next day.
  discharge duty 2.30   First, as a warning discharging the duty of care.
  discharge water 1.91   Sewage plants sometimes discharge dirty water.
  discharge effluent 1.25   The factory has been accused of discharging effluent into the river.
  discharge responsibility 0.99   I discharged my responsibility at the court, and that is that.
  discharge debt 0.86   Fernandez, too, had his debts discharged.
  discharge firearm 0.86   He said he had never discharged a firearm in the vehicle.
  discharge passenger 0.86   As the ballast is emptied at the port of call, these passengers are discharged as well.
  discharge soldier 0.72   The soldier was discharged and arrested for his role in the attack.
  discharge waste 0.72   But almost every restaurant in USJ discharges its waste directly into the drain.
  discharge weapon 0.53   This was routine when a member of the force discharged a weapon.
  discharge cargo 0.46   Several ships have sailed to nearby ports to discharge their cargo.
  discharge people 0.46   He said seven people were discharged.
  discharge rest 0.46   The rest is discharged into water courses.
  discharge jury 0.33   The judge discharged the jury.
  discharge man 0.33   Last month the four men were dishonourably discharged from the police.
  discharge pollutant 0.33   Fines for discharging pollutants into water supplies are to be increased.
  discharge sewage 0.33   Some households discharge raw sewage through above-ground pipes to back yards or roadside ditches.
  discharge woman 0.33   The figures compiled by the report found that women were discharged in disproportionate numbers.
  discharge bullet 0.26   If a gun were loaded, the bullet would be discharged into the device without harm.
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