director position 0.59   Fourteen people applied for the executive director position.
  director award 0.53   The director award usually goes to the winning picture.
  director husband 0.53   Sylvie Matton, who has written the new Rembrandt screenplay with her director husband, said they also did their own research.
  director candidate 0.46   Last week, the Soros group proposed a slate of four director candidates.
  director level 0.46   Employees below the director level will receive cash incentives.
  director general 0.39   -- Deputy ministers, director generals of ministries, senior police officers as well as their drivers and direct family.
  director job 0.39   The company director job offers more independence.
  director post 0.39   The executive director post has been a revolving door.
  director committee 0.26   The directors committee includes Nussbaum, the company said.
  director member 0.26   Wall Street needs more minority branch managers, syndicate department heads, and board of directors members, he said.
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