devote time 19.82   Devote the time and heart needed?
  devote life 11.59   He devotes his life to his job.
  devote resource 8.49   We can devote resources.
  devote attention 7.70   Hostetler responded by devoting his attention to Brown.
  devote most 6.45   Instead he devoted most of his message to Iraq.
  devote energy 4.81   He devoted his energies to writing films.
  devote page 3.75   More and more catalogs devote pages?
  devote chapter 2.57   He devotes a chapter to each of those skills.
  devote effort 2.50   He devoted special efforts to the Middle East.
  devote section 2.50   A section is devoted to the Web.
  devote day 2.24   The next day was devoted to Elvis.
  devote money 2.24   He also wants to devote more money to rebuild run-down schools.
  devote space 2.17   It is unusual for us to devote much space to fiction.
  devote year 2.04   Sabbagh can devote years to a subject.
  devote career 1.91   Both have devoted their careers to Corning.
  devote lot 1.45   The magazine devotes a lot of space to advertising.
  devote session 1.38   The first court session was devoted to preliminary matters.
  devote hour 1.32   TV shows devote whole hours to him.
  devote part 1.32   Meri will devote part of his trip to tourism.
  devote rest 1.18   He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.
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