developing nation 62.34   But he said developing nations had to do more.
  developing world 41.28   ...the developing world.
  developing economy 5.79   I am helping developing economies join the community of nations.
  developing market 5.33   Rocky times for developing markets.
  developing technology 3.95   Researchers are developing technology for the US military.
  developing software 2.37   Instead, he concentrated on developing software.
  developing weapon 2.17   The United States accuses Iraq of developing weapons of mass destruction.
  developing fetus 1.91   Caspases help eliminate unneeded cells in the developing fetus.
  developing drug 1.78   One area that has been more successful is developing drugs on the farm.
  developing storm 1.78   These clouds came with a developing storm system over the Southwest.
  developing cancer 1.71   Tim also faced developing cancer of his bile ducts.
  developing product 1.65   Innovation -- developing new products to fuel sales.
  developing region 1.51   Tropical zones in developing regions were under the most pressure from loggers.
  developing area 1.32   The result is a young and fast developing area of law.
  developing embryo 1.32   In a developing embryo, they produce the cells that become the body parts.
  developing program 1.25   Developing marketing programs to attract minority residents.
  developing system 1.25   Developing systems strictly for military use is considered more costly.
  developing diabetes 1.12   Certain ethnic groups are at higher risk for developing diabetes.
  developing brain 1.05   The clear message is that glia are a major source of neurons in the developing brain.
  developing resistance 1.05   Those cells proved incapable of developing resistance.
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