detail plan 5.60   Spain has yet to detail its plans.
  detail case 1.84   He sat quietly as Di Rezze detailed his case.
  detail problem 1.84   The problems were not detailed.
  detail allegation 1.78   Callejas did not detail his allegations.
  detail proposal 1.32   Ivanov did not detail the proposal.
  detail charge 1.25   He did not detail the charges.
  detail information 1.25   The guidebook has detailed information about the hotels in the area.
  detail history 1.18   In most of his books, Lieberman details history.
  detail change 1.05   The paper did not detail the changes he had called for.
  detail evidence 0.92   They declined Thursday to detail that evidence.
  detail number 0.92   Figures detailing the number of exports will be released later this month, it said.
  detail crime 0.86   It did not detail their crimes.
  detail relationship 0.86   The indictment did not detail their relationships.
  detail incident 0.79   The panel detailed those incidents in its report.
  detail activity 0.72   Bush declined to detail the activities.
  detail condition 0.72   He did not detail any conditions.
  detail content 0.72   She did not detail contents of the messages in her letter.
  detail instance 0.72   Posada detailed instances of support from foundation leaders throughout his career.
  detail life 0.72   Survey details religious life in U.S.
  detail operation 0.72   A statement was expected to be issued Wednesday detailing the operation.
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