descend stair 2.30   I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.
  descend mountain 1.12   Several climbers were descending the mountain.
  descend order 1.12   The list will be presented in descending numerical order of identifier.
  descend step 1.05   Maybe he could make springs that would descend steps.
  descend hill 0.92   She was descending the hill as I was climbing it.
  descend stairway 0.53   I listen for a few moments and then slowly descend the stairway.
  descend staircase 0.46   The children descended the staircase silently.
  descend ladder 0.39   He closed the hatch and descended the ladder.
  descend escalator 0.33   Others climbed up descending escalators, pushing away people coming down the other way.
  descend flight 0.33   She descended one flight of stairs.
  descend bird 0.26   And birds are somehow descended from dinosaurs.
  descend volcano 0.26   Rescue workers helped the rest of the group descend the volcano.
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