depression be 9.15   Depression is gone.
  depression set_in 0.92   Depression set in.
  depression have 0.72   But even mild depression can have serious consequences.
  depression form 0.59   A tropical depression formed well out to sea, southwest of Cabo San Lucas.
  depression lift 0.59   The depression has lifted.
  depression cause 0.53   Does depression cause diabetes?
  depression remain 0.46   Tropical depression remains poorly organized...
  depression become 0.39   His depression had become worse over the past year.
  depression come 0.39   Hand in hand with a loss of self-esteem in girls comes depression.
  depression descend 0.33   Depression descended, grades plummeted.
  depression increase 0.33   Depression increases the likelihood that a serious physical illness will develop or get worse.
  depression lead 0.33   A depression led to alcoholism and then recovery.
  depression occur 0.33   The depressions occurred originally when the parts of the base of the driveway collapsed.
  depression affect 0.26   Depression affects people with a poor self-image.
  depression bring 0.26   Depression brings the family much closer together.
  depression deepen 0.26   He said her recent depression had deepened after her father died three months ago.
  depression hit 0.26   Then depression hits me.
  depression move 0.26   Currently, depression has moved to center stage.
  depression return 0.26   But the depression returned and his marriage failed, his father said.
  depression seem 0.26   Economic depression seems to breed political depression.
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