deploy protect 2.90   Several hundred police officers were deployed to protect the convoy.
  deploy prevent 2.63   Many police are deployed to prevent trouble.
  deploy help 1.58   Police dogs were deployed to help maintain security.
  deploy guard 1.25   Soldiers were deployed to guard water utility installations.
  deploy keep 0.99   UN troops were deployed to keep the peace.
  deploy enforce 0.79   Calm was restored when soldiers deployed to enforce a curfew that remained in force Thursday.
  deploy ensure 0.79   Three thousand police were deployed to ensure order.
  deploy assist 0.72   Paramilitary troops were deployed to assist in the rescue and crowd control.
  deploy maintain 0.72   Riot policemen have been deployed to maintain order, NAN said.
  deploy quell 0.66   Troops and police were deployed to quell the violence.
  deploy search 0.59   Police teams have been deployed to search for Pangboon.
  deploy control 0.53   He declined to give detail on the security deployed to control the incident.
  deploy fight 0.53   Under the emergency the army was deployed to fight the rebels and some press freedoms were curtailed.
  deploy try 0.53   Police dogs were also deployed to try to trace the convicts.
  deploy collect 0.39   The clashes highlighted the potential problems awaiting NATO troops as they prepare to deploy to collect rebel arms.
  deploy monitor 0.39   Several thousand U.N. peacekeepers have been deployed to monitor cease-fire violations.
  deploy deal 0.33   A special riot squad of the Liberian police was deployed to deal with the disturbances.
  deploy disperse 0.33   Police were deployed to disperse the demonstrators.
  deploy implement 0.33   Those troops originally were deployed to implement the Kosovo peace plan, which the Kosovar Albanians signed but Yugoslavia did not.
  deploy rescue 0.33   However, most of the event was obscured by the navy boat which was deployed to rescue the jumpers.
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