deplete stock 4.28   Tobin vowed to stop the EU from depleting the stocks.
  deplete reserve 2.44   They may have depleted reserves too far.
  deplete supply 2.11   Fuel supplies are depleted.
  deplete oxygen 1.05   Oxygen is depleted, so fish die.
  deplete inventory 0.92   Strikes against GM have greatly depleted his inventory.
  deplete fund 0.86   Because of higher prices abroad, the fund is nearly depleted.
  deplete rank 0.86   They feared their ranks were too depleted.
  deplete resource 0.86   Europeans contend such a change would deplete World Bank resources.
  deplete capital 0.53   Rushing to comply with those rules, many banks have depleted their capital.
  deplete fish 0.53   Now, the fish are depleted and seals are about all that is left.
  deplete level 0.53   Alcohol is thought to deplete the level of antioxidants and carotenoids in the body.
  deplete stockpile 0.53   But even some Clinton administration officials say the Gore plan would deplete the stockpile.
  deplete money 0.46   Democrats have also said the tax cut depletes money the government should be using for more debt reduction.
  deplete number 0.46   First, deaths from the early-year cold snap depleted their numbers.
  deplete ozone 0.46   Chemical emissions are depleting the ozone.
  deplete coffer 0.39   But state and local officials fear the moratorium could deplete public coffers.
  deplete roster 0.39   His roster is severely depleted.
  deplete saving 0.39   Our life savings is depleted.
  deplete source 0.39   One by one, these food sources have been depleted.
  deplete account 0.33   He said the account was depleted now, the money put into legal expenses.
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