defraud government 3.09   They conspired to defraud the government.
  defraud investor 2.44   Patrick Bennett denies that there was any scheme to defraud investors.
  defraud bank 0.99   But a government source said he was accused of defrauding a bank.
  defraud company 0.86   He said these were used to defraud credit card companies.
  defraud customer 0.79   Salesmen who deliberately set out to defraud customers.
  defraud state 0.66   The reinsurers have charged GE and Emlico defrauded the state to move to Bermuda, where they could control the liquidation.
  defraud public 0.53   They were accused of trying to defraud the public.
  defraud client 0.46   Robert Zimmerman, an Atlanta accountant, was accused of helping a broker defraud her clients.
  defraud consumer 0.46   Nelson has a reputation for effective crackdowns on insurance agents who defraud consumers.
  defraud program 0.39   The legislation, among other things, would increase the authority of federal investigators to impose sanctions on health providers who defraud the program.
  defraud shareholder 0.39   He has been accused in Belgium of defrauding small shareholders.
  defraud country 0.33   During rambling testimony earlier this month, Vesco denied defrauding the country that had given him refuge.
  defraud taxpayer 0.33   ...allegations that he defrauded taxpayers of thousands of dollars.
  defraud thousand 0.33   The two were arrested in January for allegedly defrauding thousands of investors who deposited their savings in a private fund run by their family.
  defraud city 0.26   Did he defraud the city by going shopping on city time?
  defraud court 0.26   Judge Morrison slid right past the apparent attempt to defraud his court with a forged letter.
  defraud depositor 0.26   They also face three counts of conspiracy to defraud depositors in the three Blaise financial institutions.
  defraud number 0.26   The four were remanded for seven days under the custody of the Staffordshire police for conspiracy to defraud a number of companies.
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