defence minister 2.76   Rabin is also defence minister.
  defence counsel 0.66   Defence counsel Karpal Singh expressed shock over the death sentences.
  defence official 0.66   French defence officials refused all comment on the Monde documents.
  defence ministry 0.59   And elite defence ministry troops were to leave Moscow and central Russia for Chechnya.
  defence lawyer 0.39   Do defence lawyers resent the media promotion of plaintiffs more than of defendants?
  defence secretary 0.33   Members include former French prime minister Michel Rocard and former US defence secretary Robert McNamara.
  defence spokesman 0.33   Belgium will send a medical team to Rwanda to help in the French aid operation, said a Belgian defence ministry spokesman Friday.
  defence cooperation 0.26   Khatami and Jiang also attended the signing of six bilateral agreements, none of which were linked to defence cooperation.
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