default rate 4.28   The default rate is low.
  default setting 2.04   ...default settings.
  default risk 1.71   We have discussed interest rate risk and default risk.
  default judgment 1.38   A default judgment does me no good.
  default directory 1.25   Output is sent to the file VALIFY.TXT, in the current default directory.
  default notice 0.79   She got a default notice.
  default value 0.79   A property that is not specified takes on a default value.
  default browser 0.59   It just sets up Explorer as your default browser.
  default filename 0.46   If this field is left blank, LIFESPAN PMR will provide a default filename.
  default position 0.46   The default position is to feed.
  default option 0.39   The default option, Best Fit, will be visible.
  default font 0.33   The default font is Arial.
  default carrier 0.26   That default carrier can generally verify the validity of a calling card from another carrier, like Verizon, but the rates will be sky-high.
  default case 0.26   This includes the default case where the LIFESPAN user name and mapped user name are the same.
  default choice 0.26   As the ability to use a shift has become less common, automatics have become a kind of default choice.
  default format 0.26   Type the first paragraph using the default paragraph format.
  default language 0.26   Third, there is the emergence of English as the default language of the world.
  default mode 0.26   It is not the default mode.
  default player 0.26   RealPlayer and Windows Media Player are each striving to become the default player.
  default program 0.26   Entourage encourages you to use it as your default e-mail program.
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